Tag Archives: Writers

Encouragement for Beginning Writers and Writers Who Need to Begin

Today’s exercise for writers is to write down the first line of at least 10 story ideas….just one line. You have all day to do it. They can be for a children’s picture book, a novel, a non-fiction book, or even a biography…the type of book doesn’t matter. You can even write the first line of a variety of different books. That’s it…ten first lines and you’re done. Keep going if you get inspired, but that is your minimum requirement for today. If you need to step away from the computer at any point, take a note card or pad of paper with you so that you can write while you’re doing other things. Just write down ideas and you can perfect them later.

My first one is …….

“She turned the knob with tiny fingers that were smudged with dirt from the garden….”